10 Ways to soothe a crying baby
10 Ways to soothe a crying baby
Crying is known to be one of the most common methods used by children to express their experiences and express their needs. Not only can figuring out the cause of your baby's cries and finding a way to stop them help you calm down, but it can also help to calm down your baby. Typical reasons for babies to cry and ways to stop them are detailed below.
Reason: A baby’s tummy is small and therefore needs food often. That's why it’s not a surprise that the cause of infants' wails is hunger. How to Soothe: Give your baby something to eat. Look for earlier signs of hunger so that you do not end up with a crying baby due to the hunger state.
Reason: Babies are little bundles of energy but they burn out very quickly. When they are over stimulated or not given an ample time for a nap they will cry just to indicate that they need to sleep. How to Soothe: Address this issue by gently rocking your baby or wrapping them. Use calming lights and white noise together to help your baby to calm down and easily fall asleep.
Soiled Diaper
Reason: Even as babies grow, there is one common thing that will set them apart from adults; some babies get very uncomfortable when their diaper is wet, or water drunk spoils, they will cry to indicate that they need a change done. How to Soothe: Make it a point to constantly examine your baby’s diaper and immediately change it when it is wet or dirtied.
Need for Comfort
Reason: Sometimes, babies feel like crying just because they want to be held and groped or want to be comforted. They may require such intimacy to feel safe. Soothe: Cuddle your baby, give him skin to skin contact, or carry him on the front on a baby carrier while doing house chores.
Gas or Colic
Reason: Moreover, gas may build up in babies’ bellies probably because they find it difficult to digest leading to colic which in turn may make them cry for long hours. Soothe: Place your baby over your shoulder and pat their back to bring up wind, rub their tummy lightly or give them a more vertical bearing after feeding. You can also try moving their legs in a pedaling motion to release trapped wind.
Reason: Sometimes, babies get hurt because of too many sounds or lights or activities which makes them cry as a result. Soothing: Aids that will be needed include a soft female voice which is also composed in a relatively quiet room.
Temperature Discomfort
Reason: Infants have an exquisite sense of temperature and will well up in tears if it is exceedingly hot or cold to them. How to Soothe: For example check the clothing of babies to see if it is suitable for the degree of temperature. Be sure to dress them appropriately for the weather.
Reason: Teething is a time where babies will cry when the pain of the swollen gums gets too much to bear. How to Soothe: Give your baby a teething toy or a wet, cool washcloth to bite down on. A lightly obstructed finger can be used to gently rub their gums to relieve the ache.
Illness or Discomfort
Reason: When their baby is suffering from an illness, has an ointment on, or feels sick because of a cold or other sickness, he is likely to cry more than normal. How to Soothe: Apart from a fever, look for other viewers that your baby may be ill – such as abnormal behavior. And should you observe any signs of illness, do not go over the counter; speak with the pediatrician.
Need for a Change in Position
Reason: This position is not comfortable for the baby and, therefore, they are likely to cry so that they can change positions. How to Soothe: To alleviate one of the causes of crying, go on to reposition your baby in many ways such as been carried in a different position, place them on the tummy or pap, veterinary bed or play mat.
Although crying is a part of a baby’s language, it conveys many things that parents should know how to address. In such desperate states a parent should always be cool-headed so that his/her child can be calmed in the best possible way.